Essential Oil Junkie – Yep that’s me!  I love my oils, I use them every single day, in my face lotion, in my diffuser, on my feet before bed, I make stuff with them, I share them with others so they can reap the benefits too!  Not only do oils have great aromatherapy benefits but they are a great way to kick chemicals out of our homes.

Essential Oils are a better way, a better way to support our bodies, our families, our pets and our home.  They are totally chemical free!  There are over a million uses for essential oils – cleaning supplies, personal care products like toothpaste and deodorant, in the diffuser and oil infused nutritional supplements.
Did you know that the average person applies 300 chemicals to their body every single day, and 80 of those chemicals before breakfast!  Most are from four things – soap, makeup, shampoo and hair care.  The biggest pollutants in our home are fabric softener, dryer sheets, air-freshener plug-ins and candles.  If you are here to ditch the toxins please TOSS your plug ins and candles NOW!
What happens when your body is chemically overloaded?  You may see it in something as catastrophic as cancer but most of us feel it in other ways like lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, fibromyalgia, skin issues like adult acne, hormones, hot flashes, stress and anxiety and fear.   If you face any of these issues, it’s time to kick chemicals to the curb, you CAN control what you allow within the walls of your home!
“Only 5-10% of cancer cases are from gene defects, 95%  are under our control, it is what we are allowing into our homes.”  (American Cancer Society)
Join me in this journey, feel better, be joyful, we are meant to live joyfully, it’s a small change you can make to protect your family and take charge of what’s in your home.  I am so grateful I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils over 4 years ago now. I love and use my oils daily for their abundant and amazing properties.

While there are many choices of essential oil companies to choose from, I chose Young Living because they offer the highest quality, therapeutic grade essential oils. And while lower grade oils may be fine for some applications, there is nothing like the effectiveness, safety and power of truly pure oils.

I love the fact that Young Living has been around for over 20 years. I love their commitment to quality and their Seed to Seal promise, which preserves the integrity and potency of their essential oils. There is a large online community of Young Living members that are there to share their experiences and knowledge.

Become a Member of Young Living…

There are two membership options: Retail and Wholesale

I recommend the wholesale membership. You save 24% on all of your purchases, for life. There are no monthly minimums or fees. You have no obligation to be a distributor or enroll in the monthly auto ship, unless you want to. You just enjoy your savings on what you want to purchase and decide when you want to make your purchase. With membership, you will have access to a large online support group to help you navigate your oily journey!

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External link opens in new tab or windowClick Here to Sign Up to become a Young Living Member For Life TODAY!

The Premium Starter Kit is The Way To Launch into Your Oily Life!

While there are several kit options to get you started with your wholesale membership, the Premium Starter Kit gives you the most savings. You will receive 11 bottles of oils, oil samples, NingXia Red samples, a Home Diffuser, a roller fitment, and literature to get you started. The Premium Starter Kit is a complete Package filled with a wealth of information!

Below is some info on the Everyday Oils and the premium starter kit. Also, you can find the latest product guide External link opens in new tab or windowhere to see all of the fantastic oils and oil infused products that Young Living has to offer.

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SPECIAL BONUS * * * FREE * * * Gifts when you become a Member on my Team!

I love to create and my Young Living Business allows me a chance to share with you some of those Creations! When you sign up with the Premium Starter Kit under my Member ID 1480035 you will also receive an 8 ounce bottle of my unscented Handcrafted Lotion Divine. It is an all natural luxurious lotion that you can add a drop or two of your choice oil and smooth all over your skin! You will also receive a free book called Fearless that will show you how to use you Starter Kit immediately and everyday going forward. This is ONLY available when you enroll and become a part of my Team.

*This offer is for US, military & Canada only {Canadian Starter Kits have a slightly higher starting price}.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I will mail your goodies to you personally 3-4 weeks after you order it, to make sure you have received your items and that you will be keeping the kit.

In addition I will add you to our private team support group where we daily help each other learn along our oily journeys!

And, you are then able to buy ANY Young Living oils by themselves at 24% OFF from then on out – NO MONTHLY PURCHASE OR SELLING REQUIREMENTS!

Feel free to email me at: if you have any questions or would like me to walk you through the sign up process.

If you are ready to make that change in your life but need some extra support please reach out and send me an email. I will be happy to help get you started! OR you can go to this link and follow the steps:

External link opens in new tab or windowClick Here to Sign Up to become a Young Living Member For Life TODAY!

Doreen L. Zuznis

Young Living Independent Distributor

Member ID: 1480035

Disclaimer – Information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Recommendations are based on the pure therapeutic quality of Young Living Essential Oils only. Other oils may not be 100% pure or safe to use in this way.